Wednesday, August 24, 2016

 No-Go Greens

       HappyJay will NOT eat ANYTHING green! Until recently that long list of No-Go Greens included ALL green candy and popsicles too! Happy Jay finally started sometimes eating green M&M's and green Icee pops, it takes a long time for him to finish them and he eats all of the other colors first, but it's PROGRESS!!! Every single other thing that is green is still 'Yuck!' and he will either not touch it at all, or if by some miracle he's taken a bite without realizing that it had green in it, he will Spit the mouthful out.
     The funny thing is, that until he was about 2 1/2 years old he ate EVERYTHING. He loved squash both yellow and green, he ate peas, green beans were his favorite. I have no idea when he decided green was such an awful thing and that if it was green food that was the equivalent of poisoning him. I am convinced that green has a flavor! I am not sure what it is, but I know that he can taste green.
     Maybe green food dye has more artificial flavorings/ chemicals or something? But what about the natural foods? One night I fried up some yellow and green squash/zucchini (breaded it with egg & flour). Of course I fried them up in separate batches because - how dare green touch anything?!- but anyways as I was frying up the green batch the kid, HappyJay, decides to PIG OUT on the yellow squash ~~ I was super excited, as time goes on vegetables of any color are becoming increasingly difficult to get him to ingest.~~ So, he ate All of the yellow squash, came back looking for more, I handed him a green one (mind you he didn't know it was green because of the breading & I try to hide the green food as I prepare it.. in hopes that he'll at least get it in his mouth) took 1 bite and spit it back on my plate.

      Now, I don't know about the rest of the world, but I know I definitely could not taste the difference between the yellow and green squash. So that's my Green story conundrum!

Remember to Follow me on: Twitter @nontypicaljoy  Instagram at: nontypicaljoy  Pinterest at: nontypicaljoy

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